Saturday, May 30, 2009

"I tried to put the tea in the cup/glass cabinet..."

So, this is just ONE of my lastest doings. I was getting a glass of tea at Matt's parent's house and I was trying to put the tea back into the cabinet instead of the frigerator. lol!
Apparently, once you get into the last 10-ish days until your wedding, your mind starts going crazy and you get your words all flip-flopped. Yesterday, I couldn't say anything right! And today, I was thinking people said something other than what they really said. Ha ha! So watch out if you are getting married or when you do! It'll get you too! :)
We just bought our programs last night, so now all we have to do is type up the layout and print them off. We finished our favors on Thursday night... that was a very time consuming job, but glad it's over.
I still need to get a guest book and pen... haven't had any luck finding one I really like. And there's no time to really order a nice one and it get here in time since there's only 8 days until the wedding. We also need to finalize all the music for the wedding and whatnot.
I'm completely sure there'll be something we have completely forgotten by that day, but all we can say is, "Oh, well!" Can't really do anything about it, it happens. I'm just glad it's finally getting here!

1 comment:

  1. Fro the guest book... an idea... A good friend of mine just went ond got a journal type book at barnes and nobles and she painted like their monogram on the cover. it was simple, cheap, and cute (and you can do it in the wedding colors!)!! and if you wanted to do it and needed help painting it, I have a very artistic and talented roommate that I could probably get to help you.
