Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hum Dee Dum

So, I forgot one of the most important "NEW" items to my list. I have a new puppy!!! She was born on my birthday this year, so that makes her 11 weeks and 4 days old! Her mother died a week after they were born so they had to be hand fed, so she's basically like a baby! I named her Bella <3,>
My Bridal Shower went very well. It was fun & I got a ton of great stuff. Although, there are a few things I didn't get that I really need. But it's okay, we'll get them eventually. At least, now I only have to eat with plastic utensils instead of cook with them, too. It was tough cooking with them, but it worked! It is truly a blessing all of the great things I did get, though! I just expected most people to come to be there for me, not expecting gifts, but I got a lot of them! :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wow, a lot has happened in the last 3 weeks! I don't even remember half of what happened! ha ha.

There were tornadoes April 10th. I watched it form from work & head to Matt's neighborhood. All I could think about was his mom; she was home alone. We crammed 12 people into our little employee bathroom at work and prayed away. I prayed that she would be alright. Phone connections were horrible, and I could barely get a text message out to Matt to let him know I was okay, and his mom was okay. A lot of the messages didn't go through until everything was said and done. But, needless to say, they had no major damage to their house except for some big tree limbs broken, and debris in their yard. About 5 houses down the road and directly behind them, it was a different story. There were some homes not even there anymore. It was the scariest thing I've seen and saddest at the same time. I couldn't even believe that it didn't hit Matt's house... it was a true miracle. God really does hear your prayers!

Hmm... let me see... what else has happened? My mom and one of my good friends are throwing me my very first Bridal shower on Sunday at 2 p.m. It should be really fun! :) I can't wait to see everyone! My wedding dress arrived at the place I bought it from yesterday, so I'm going down tomorrow to try it on and bring it on home! :D I can't wait for that either! It'll be nice to have it!

There are only 44 days left until the big day! And only 45 until we're in ORLANDO to go to DISNEY WORLD!! YAYYYYY I think I'm more excited about that than anything else! haha :) I really can't wait to get married though. It's going to be so fun! :)

Well, that's all I can really think about for now..... Oh, next week is the last full week of school! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! It's kicked my butt these last couple weeks, so it'll be good to get it over with and I won't have to worry about anything until July or so! :D I'm so ready to graduate it's killing me!

Friday, April 3, 2009

WONDERFUL day in the neighborhood


That pretty much sums it up. Ha Ha! Been a pretty awesome day, in the sense of mine & Matt's lives. Matt just got the call today that he got the job as Assistant Meat MANAGER at the Hickory Hollow Kroger!!! It's so exciting! We'll actually be able to PAY our bills, and not have to really worry about living paycheck to paycheck. We'll actually (hopefully) be able to pay OFF my car first, and then start saving for our FIRST home! :) I can't wait for our adventure to start!!!! He's just so glad he got this job he really wanted, and I'm proud of him for working hard enough to show that he deserves it!! God IS good & HE will provide... you just have to believe in HIM! He's been giving us good things for a couple weeks now, and it's been so nice to actually have a BREATHER! Thanks everyone for your prayers and thoughts! We still need that to continue on hoping someone gets a job soon so that they can actually pay for my wedding. That really would set us back a little bit if we have to end up paying for it, after they said they would in the beginning. ANYWAYS! That's about the only NEGATIVE thing that's still in our lives.
I may be getting a puppy!!!! I've been looking for one for a little while, and had my hopes on Matt's mom's hairdresser's Yorkie having puppies, but she might not give them away. So, I'm counting as that being out. But Meghan and I were looking on CraigsList today, and found a male West Highland Terrior that MIGHT be a possibility. Just waiting to hear back what the email said and see pictures, find out how much she wants, and how old he actually is. I just want to have a "companion" there at the apartment with me that I can BABY hehe, and Matt wants me to have something/someone there when he's not going to be able to be there and by myself at night. :)
If anyone hears of anyone wanting to get rid of puppies, let me know! I want something SMALL... I am in love with dachshunds (mini or standard), yorkies, westies.... really anything small and cute that I can make my little puppy baby! lol And preferable medium-long hair... I'm not really wanting a short haired dog! :) THANKS!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

1st Session of Pre-marital Counseling...

Today was interesting. Not as scary as we thought it was going to be, that's going to be in 2 weeks! haha :) We did pretty well! Our average score on each section was about 76%, with our highest being 100% and lowest being 50%. So, it was kind of nice to know that we knew each other pretty well. There are things we need to work on, but nothing too major at this point, I don't think. :) Should be fun. We are both stubborn, apparently, so we have to work on that one! haha :) Matt couldn't think of but one thing that annoyed him about me, but I know there's more than that! He said it just put him on the spot. We'll work through them all though. I'm interested in seeing just how well our marriage will work out and am optimistic! Ive have a few people this week tell me the same thing about one thing I'm struggling with this week (not anything to do with Matt and my relationship) and none of them talked to each other, so it was encouraging to hear the same thing from them. :)

Anyways, just thought I'd update on how that went today! Yesterday, Matt and I went by Chelsea Place to see if we could sign our lease but the lady wasn't there, so we have to wait for her to get back from being sick probably tomorrow. We did get to ask questions about some stuff we needed to find out. We can move in sooner than the 15th if they get it ready sooner than that time. She told us we're getting all new stuff in there, so that should be nice. (like new carpet and paint... not sure about appliances and whatnot, but hey we aren't going to complain!! :))